Executive Committee
The Executive Committee for the Basin-scale Analysis, Synthesis, and INtegration (BASIN) of oceangraphic and climate-related processes and the dynamics of plankton and fish populations in the North Atlantic Ocean include the following people:Mike St.John - EU Universität Hamburg Michael.St.John-at-uni-hamburg.de |
Roger Harris - EU Plymouth Marine Lab. rph-at-pml.ac.uk |
Jonathan Hare - USA NOAA/NMFS jon.hare-at-noaa.gov |
Cisco Werner - USA Rutgers University cisco-at-marine.rutgers.edu |
Peter Wiebe - USA Woods Hole Oceanographic Inst pwiebe-at-whoi.edu |
Brad deYoung - Canada Memorial University bdeyoung-at-mun.ca |
Pierre Pepin - Canada NAFC-DFO pierre.pepin-at-dfo-mpo.gc.ca |