Workshops and Meetings
EURO-BASIN Cruise Program & Mesocosm Experiments Planning Workshop
29-30 September 2011, Medical Research Council, London, UK
Aim: Coordination of the EU field program with US/Canada planned field programs under the BASIN umbrella and complimentary national programs for 2012-2013. The two-day meeting will also address mesocosm experiments planning. US/Canada PI’s are invited to attend (please contact Ivo Grigorov, or
Confirmed EU attendees: Michael St John (Un. Hamburg), Adrian Martin (NOC, UK), Christina De la Rocha (UBO, France), Richard Bellerby (Uni Research, NO), Rolf Koppelmann (Un. Hamburg), Torkel Gissel Nielsen (DTU-Aqua, DK), Assthor Gislasson (MRI-HAFRO, Iceland), Marja Koski (DTU-Aqua, DK), Webjorn Melle & Geir Huse (IMR, NO).
EURO-BASIN Cruise Metadata and proposals are posted on the POGO-SCOR Oceanographic Cruise Database
US-BASIN Workshop
19-20 May 2011, University of Massachusetts, Boston, MA
The purpose of this workshop was to provide an opportunity for investigators interested in BASIN to discuss research plans and to develop collaborations. Projects included modeling, fieldwork, and experimental studies from meso- to basin-scales. Discussion also included methods to foster collaboration with European scientists involved in EURO-BASIN research.
- Agenda
- Report
EURO-BASIN Kick-Off Meeting
22 to 25 February 2011, Copenhagen, Denmark
- Kick-Off Meeting Report (31 March 2011)
Implementation Plan Drafting Session II
18-19 October 2010: University of Massachusetts Boston
- Agenda
- Implementation Plan (4 March 2011)
Open Workshop 3
2-4 June 2010: Rutgers University, Brunswick, New Jersey
- Meeting report
- Agenda
- Presentations
Implementation Plan Drafting Session I
18-19 March 2010: Woods Hole, Massachusetts
- Agenda
- Draft Implementation Plan (May 2010)
BASIN Specific Support Action (SSA)
Support for BASIN to hold three meetings in 2007-2008 was provided by the US NSF and the EU 6th Framework SpecificSupport Action (SSA) (Sub-Priority The scale of influence of global change and the added value of coordinating the scientific activities of the EU and North American countries to assess, predict, and mitigate the effects on marine ecosystems of the North Atlantic and their services is the justification for the development of the SSA. These workshops built on the actions identified in the 2005 BASIN Workshop in Reykjavik jointly funded by NSF and EUR-OCEANS.
Steering Group meeting
28-30 January, 2008: Amsterdam
- Reports
- Science Plan & Implementation Strategy (6 MB)
Workshop 2
1-3 May, 2007: Chapel Hill, North Carolina
- Overview
- Meeting report
Workshop 1
23-25 January, 2007: Hamburg,
- Overview
- Meeting report
BASIN Science Meeting
12-14 March 2005: Reykjavik, Iceland
- Agenda |
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