Basin-scale Analysis, Synthesis, and INtegration (BASIN) of oceanographic and climate-related processes and the dynamics of plankton and fish populations in the North Atlantic Ocean
A Workshop held in March 2005 in
Reykiavik, Iceland
Wiebe, P.H., R.P. Harris, O.S. Astthorsson, F.E. Werner,
M.A. St. John, D.B. Haidvogel, F. Carlotti and B. DeYoung
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For a page size, jpg formated, view of the poster. This version is readable, but just barely. (115Kbytes)
For a slightly larger than page size, jpg formated, view of the poster. This version is readable, but slightly larger than page size. (192Kbytes)
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For the orginal, pdf version of the poster. Note: This file is too large to download unless you have a very fast network connection and lots of patience. (178Mbytes)