Open Workshop
Rutgers University, Brunswick, New Jersey
2-4, June 2010


Draft Agenda

Wed 2 June (objective: put all ideas on the table)

1:00pm –        Welcome
Meeting Objectives

1:30pm –        BASIN Program
Relation to other programs, e.g., AMOC
Status of Implementation Plan

2:00pm –        EU BASIN (funded projects)
Mike St. John, Manuel Barange, Icarus Allen, Stephane Pesant, Richard Sanders, Others…

3:00pm –                                Coffee Break

3:30pm –        Individual US and Canadian contributions (3 slides/5 minutes each)
Jeff Runge, Oscar Schofield, Scott Glenn, Rubao Ji, Mary Jane Perry, Meng Zhou,
Ann Bucklin, Enrique Curchitser, Dale Haidvogel, Ben Ward, Pierre Pepin, Erica Head,
Chuck Greene, Andy Pershing Gareth Lawson, Avijit Gangopadhyay, Jamie Pierson,
Hongsheng Bi, Others…

5:30pm –        Adjourn

7:00pm –                                Group dinner

Thurs 3 June
(objective: identify collaborations and advance the Implementation Plan)

8:00am –                                Breakfast

8:30am –        Review and formation of breakout groups

9:00am –        Breakout groups meet (coffee break included)

11:30am –                              Lunch

1:00pm –        Breakout group reports and general discussion

2:00pm –        Breakouts (coffee break included)

4:30pm –        Breakout group reports and general discussion

5:30pm –        Adjourn

Fri 4 June  (objective: finalize next steps of Implementation
Plan and Cover Letter for future proposals)

8:00am –                                Breakfast

8:30am –                    NOAA participation  

9:30am –                    Implementation Plan
Need for revisions and enhancements

10:30am –                              Coffee break

11:00 –                       Draft of 2-page Intro to US proposals, with links to EU and Canadian programs

Noon –                        Adjourn