BASIN Science Meeting, Reykjavik, Iceland, 12-14 March 2005
Oral Presentations
- Plenary Speaker #1:
Dougie Speirs - “Mechanisms relating ocean-scale distribution of Calanus finmarchicus to environmental and hydrographic heterogeneity”
Calanus abundance animation - 50 weeks, surface and deep (video) - Plenary Speaker #2:
Jim Hurrell - “Climate variability and basin-scale forcing over the North Atlantic”
ppt - Plenary Speaker #3:
Grégory Beaugrand – “Basin scale biological changes and climate impacts”
Mean number of species, warm-temperate shelf-edge, 1960-1999 (video)
Mean number of species, temperate shelf-edge, 1960-1999 (video)
Mean number of species, cold-temperate (mixed water), 1960-1999 (video)
Mean number of species, subarctic, 1960-1999A8.avi (video)
Statistical modelling the seasonal changes in diversity (temperature, diversity, correlations & probability, January to December) (video) - Plenary Speaker #4:
Dennis McGillicuddy “Physical/biological modeling at basin-scales”
New production and temperature (video)
Pseudocalanus moultoni & newmani abundance, Feb-June (video)
Copepod stages, abundance, Gulf of Maine & Georges Bank (video)
Pseudocalanus growth & advection model, Georges Bank (video)
New production and temperature #2 (video) - Plenary Speaker #5:
Svein Sundby - "Dynamics of the Subpolar Gyre and physical/biological interactions"
ppt - Plenary Speaker #6:
Dale Haidvogel - “Nested Physical biological modeling basins to shelves”
Temperatures, Atlantic, 4 years (video)
Sea surface temperature & Chlorophyll, NW Atlantic (video)